Thursday, November 16, 2006

So my worst fear came true about two nights ago. Starting Monday the 12 of November us Peace Corps trainees went off to our various new homes for three days to get to know the site, meet the people, and get our faces out there. They greeted me and my counterpart Don Morris with banners that read "Bienvenidos a Joanna a Cuesta Marina." There were ballons that filled the walls of the casita. I was in utter shock and clearly had a lot of expectations to live up to. The people ran up to me and asked me everything from family questions to marriage questions. It was really quite wonderful.

You know what they say: "it's lonely on top." Well it didn't feel lonely on top until the next night when the surpriseS came. Earlier that day the combination of the house visits and school ceremony and the kindheartness of the people meant that I was offered food and drink from the tap. Let me tell you that no matter how many times you tell yourself that you will not eat or drink any of that stuff, the faces and hospitality of the people work against you when you are in a real life situation. Needless to say, that night as I was sleeping in the same room as a grandmother, two grandchildren, and a bucket to use as my bathroom, my stomach started to make some funny noises. The noises were a signal that diherrea was coming to town. As if that were not enough, as I am lying in bed trying to supress the flow of the diherrea something falls from the roof directly on my face. This thing was literally the size of my head. I screamed and jumped into the bed of grandma and the ninas. Well, little did I realize that the electricity wasn't working, the flashlight was outside, and it was actually a rat that had fallen on my face and the stomach was still on edge. So, I used my ghetto light on my watch in order to solidify the fact that the animal that had actually fallen on my head was a rat that was running around the room with nowhere to go. So...I lived through my biggest fear and still had an amazing time in my site. More stories to time.


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